Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One (More) Night in Bangkok

Temple of the Emerald Buddha

Back to Bangkok and sidled up to the banks of the River of Kings - check out this view from our balcony - absolutely breathtaking (Wat Arun - The Temple of Dawn)

Wat Arun

Spent the day hitting all the big temples, and getting a massage at Wat Pho, the home of the Thai massage (the real kind you pervs)... Lots of great food and the nicest people on earth - you just can't beat this place for a big city. Guys outside the temples, although harmless, try to convince you that the temple is closed for the day, not quite sure what they hope to gain, but they're full of shit. I came up with the best line ever, but in the land of non-confrontation, I decided against using it, but I'll share it here for posterity - "Hey, pal, I wasn't fucking reborn yesterday!" I love this country.

Wat Pho - Temple of the Reclining Buddha - Represents Buddha's passing into Nirvana

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